Sunday, May 30, 2010

In Process... to start off here are some things i am currently working on...

this owl in blue and green but with these really cool brown button eyes i found at jo-anns.

And this scrapbook with pictures of Ethan from January 2009...been working on this one for about a year now.

now these are things i have completed and given away. unfortunately i didn't take pictures of the items themselves so i'll just have to describe the changes i made. most of the first ones are christmas presents to robert's fam.

this pink elephant i made for sally it actually looks exactly like the picture.

the monkey i made for anna kate and looked adorable especially with the unseen cute little tail curling in the back.

the bear was for lainey and actually had a cute pale yellow dress and pearl button earrings.

this one i made for ethan to look like oswald from noggin. still looking for a little bowler hat...

unfortunately these are still unfinished (sorry allison) i have all the eggs made except for one because i ran out of eyes and have yet to find the exact same ones anywhere...

this is a project inspired by my good friend megan...who makes them much more beautifully...mainly because she is a better artist then me and takes more time to make sure everything is right. but i still like this little gnome :)

I am also working on getting started on some baby things for a work friend of mine. hopefully have something to show soon...

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