Tuesday, August 24, 2010


God is doing some amazing things...not only with me but with our whole family. I cannot do anything but praise HIM for it all. The cry of my heart has been for HIM to cosume me from the inside out...He decided to take control of our entire family...YAY! I had a great weekend learning from and guiding some awesome high school girls from C3 in TX and God showed me some truths about myself and I'm working on being more...no less for myself and more of HIM. that's all.

if you have not read this blog...do so. Jenny over at Progressive Early Childhood has this series on creating outdoor spaces for kids...i so wish we had our own house to do this in...and am always inspired by how she is with the preschoolers she works with.

no picture because i am doing this on the sly...still thinking about changing the name and making this more of a family update...no crafty things yet...we've been on vacation!