Saturday, May 29, 2010


A crafty thinker am I...

i like to think about all the things i could or would make if i had the time, the money, the space...mainly this blog to get my butt in gear.

i really do like to make things. i hate capitalization and love an ellipses...sorry if this bothers you.

my goal is to share all the things i would like to dreams of making things from sewing and crochet to scrap-booking and cooking...and maybe in the long run actually make and finish something.

hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Amy! Welcome to the world of craft blogging! I have a craft blog and have gotten totally obsessed with following others. Take a look at some of the ones I follow. They host great parties to get some followers. We miss you guys!
    -Kristin Alderman
